Why Are So Many People Buying Swim Spas? January 18,2022.
Every year, more and more swim spas are being purchased in China. Why?

1) Cost

Another reason why people buy swim spas is that they're less expensive than an in-ground pool to purchase, and far cheaper to run.

2) Ease Of Installation
Not only are swim spas easier to fit in small backyards, they're also much easier (and cheaper) to install.

3) Fitness
While some people choose swimming pool because they are so easy to maintain, others are drawn to their unique fitness options.
The current systems found in most swim spas allow you to infinitely swim at your own pace. Not only that, most also come with other fitness options, including rowing kits, exercise bars for aqua fitness, cross training programs and more!

4) Relaxation
While getting in shape is great, sometimes you just want to relax! Swim spas are the perfect pool for relaxing after a hard day.

Wrapping Up
Whether you're looking to save money, extend your swimming season, get in shape, reduce your weekly pool maintenance, or simply relax; JOYSPA swim spas might be what you're looking for!

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